Tag Archives: jakarta slide

WebDAV library Jakarta Slide discontinued

The Apache Jakarta subproject Slide does not exist anymore. After several years of bugfixing only, the project has been stopped and recommends to switch over to other libraries like Jackrabbit.

I introduced Slide a while ago to Conzilla for accessing the WebDAV/SVN data store used by the Collaborilla collaboration server. I was not very happy with the spartan info I got out of some exceptions (some messages were just “null”), the documentation was a bit holey as well. At that time I thought of using Jackrabbit, not just as a WebDAV-client, but as a complete replacement for the LDAP/WebDAV/SVN combination. I like the concept of a real content repository, and that’s exactly what Jackrabbit is: an open source reference implementation of JCR 170.

The next release of Collaborilla will contain major changes, I think it will even be an almost complete rewrite. I don’t know yet whether the backend will be a traditional DBMS or a content repository, but I already know which library is not going to be used anymore.