Tag Archives: crash

Hardy, Java and crashing applications

Following up my problem description in my last post, I tried to get Eclipse (and other crashing Java applications) running with the Java 6 version that is shipped with Hardy.

The changelog of the packages sun-java-* (version 6.06) claims that the locking problems with XCB have been fixed upstream:

* New upstream bug fix release.
  - Release notes at http://java.sun.com/javase/6/webnotes/ReleaseNotes.html.
  - Fixes Xlib/XCB locking problems. LP: #86103. Closes: #414535.

But this is not the case, at least not for me.

Googling the problem showed a few potential workarounds, like



sed -i 's/XINERAMA/FAKEEXTN/g' /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/i386/libawt.so

Neither of them worked. So I’m back with Java 6 from Gutsy, which just works fine on Hardy.

I wonder whether I am the only one with these problems… are they going to release Hardy with a broken Java/XCB combination?