Tag Archives: eclipse

Upgrade to Hardy

I updated to my Ubuntu system to version 8.04 “Hard Heron” RC. It’s a release candidate, so there won’t be many changes until the “real” release in a few days.

The upgrade process itself went through without any problems, but I had to fix a few things which did not work anymore after the upgrade. There was:

  • Applications using GL kept crashing themselves (like fgl_glxgears) or the whole X-server (like Google Earth).

Not good. It turned out that my fglrx installation was somehow broken, Ubuntu even told me that I’m not using any proprietary drivers. So I downloaded the new 8.4 release of fglrx, baked my own debs and installed them.

Nothing crashed, but the applications refused to start because of missing library: libGL.so.1. This might indicate a slightly broken fglrx package creation for Hardy. Anyway, a symbolic link solved the problem.

ln -s /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 /usr/lib/libGL.so.1
  • Eclipse kept crashing

Eclipse started, and during building the workspace, it always crashed. I tried without plugins, a fresh installation, etc, then I downgraded Java 6 to the version from Gutsy, and everything worked.

It was enough to pull the packages sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jdk, sun-java6-jre, sun-java6-plugin and sun-java6-source out of the Ubuntu archives and install them. To make Ubuntu’s update notifier stop bugging me about the existing newer packges (which I just downgraded) I set them all on hold via

echo {$packagename} hold | dpkg --set-selections

The problem might be connected to libxcb and libmawt, because instead of a crashing VM I sometimes get the following messages:

Locking assertion failure.  Backtrace:
#0 /usr/lib/libxcb-xlib.so.0 [0xb7d00767]
#1 /usr/lib/libxcb-xlib.so.0(xcb_xlib_unlock+0x31) [0xb7d008b1]
#2 /usr/lib/libX11.so.6(_XReply+0xfd) [0x903d91bd]
#3 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-

I remember having had some similar problems in Gutsy (or was it Feisty?). I will look into this when I’ve got some more time.

  • Firefox 3 does not support old add-ons

The default browser in Hardy is Firefox 3 (there is still packages will Firefox 2 if you want to). That’s good and bad. It’s good because it feels more lightweight and JavaScript-heavy sites feel much more responsive. It’s bad because it’s still a Beta (I already experienced a few crashes) and because some popular extensions like del.icio.us Bookmarks are still not compatible with the new version.

To keep it simple, I added the following boolean setting to the configuration (about:config):

extensions.checkCompatibility = false

This will give you a warning inside the Add-ons window, but most of the officially incompatible extensions will work after that.

No other problems with the new version so far. 😉